We all will have to-dos all the time. Sometimes I will have bunch of to-dos, but will not get to them and will not even know how many to-dos I have. Suddenly, I become panicky thinking about my to-dos. Making a to-do list is the only savior for me in that kind of situation. I can track my to-dos with the to-do list. Another usage is a Project Manager, to keep track of a project’s tasks wants to created to-dos.
Sometimes, we make a list on a piece of paper and it gets lost, that is such a bummer! We need a to-do list organizer application to prevent this disaster. To-do lists are notorious for collecting junk: to-do items that you want to remember, but are not very important and thus get consistently put off. The application has to address the problem of to-do list clutter also.
Todo_list will not only help in achieving your goal but will also aim to keep to-do lists manageable by automatically deleting to-do items that have not been completed after seven days. The hypothesis is that if the to-do item is not important enough to be completed in seven days, it doesn’t belong on your to-do list.
Todo_list is built in Ruby on Rails framework with MVC architecture. It uses html, CSS and bootstrap-sass to stylize. It uses ruby gems to achieve some of it’s tasks. It uses SQLite for it’s database needs.
How does Todo_list look like to start with? It looks like what is shown in work.md
To get access to Todo_list, First thing you do is Signup.
Then ofcourse next thing you do is Signin. Your Sign in opens up the door to Todo_list.
Todo_list has user authentication implemented from scratch. Isn’t that neat? In fact, I had started implementing using ‘Devise’ gem. I felt as I had already decided to use ‘Devise’ for other applications, Here, Why not implement without using Devise.
Once signed in, You get to see the following screen.
Signed In user can create multiple to-do items, see how old a to-do item is, edit them, mark to-do items as complete and delete them. Also, to-do items are automatically deleted seven days after their creation date.
Edit screen of the Todo item is shown below:
With Todo_list, you can see your progress in your to-do list and don’t have to worry about the maintainance of your to-do list.
Todo_list is the way togo for your to-do lists.